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PMC in Building Construction

Want to build a home for yourself, but not able to devote the time needed? Want to get the best out of your new home, but unable to do so because of your time constraints? Why not consider engaging a Project Management Consulting team (PMC in building construction) to do this job for you? Yes you heard it right, a project management consultant or a PMC will provide the much needed solution to your problem.

In this blog, let us understand what a PMC in building construction is. We'll also look at the various services a construction PMC can offer.

What is PMC in building construction?

In the current scenario, the construction industry is one of the least functionally organized. It is very difficult for a layperson, especially one who is finding difficulties in managing their existing work-life balance to spend time on monitoring and supervising the house construction activities.

House construction involves a lot of human emotions. For most of us, it is a dream come true and a once-in a lifetime opportunity. It is an activity which involves very high budget, high involvement, and is a long term process. The journey from a design to its creation is extremely complex and complicated.


PMC for Residential Projects

Let us look at how a PMC works in the building construction industry, especially the in residential projects.

Contrary to popular belief, PMC works better in residential construction than in an apartment or commercial building, that follows a cookie cutter approach. For a custom built, residential construction, the architect would plan for several aesthetic and structural elements, each one of which needs individual attention while constructing. For proper execution of these designs, it is mandatory to establish a proper communication channel between all the stakeholders.

PMC can play a crucial role in this aspect in all the stages starting from the estimation of the project to the completion.

Material Estimate

Material estimation and purchase is a major item in your construction budget. If you do not estimate the project correctly, your construction budget will go haywire. It is always advisable to get the service of experts for estimation. A PMC can check to assure that proper


Since a PMC has experience working for multiple projects, it would be very easy for them to assess the quantity and quality of materials used. They would also be able to help you with the optimum rates for each product.


Contractor Evaluation

Choosing the right contractor to hand over your work to, is a big challenge. A PMC can help you choose an experienced, technically competent and feasible contractor after inviting tenders. PMC can help evaluate the contractor by visiting their completed and other ongoing sites.

After fixing the contactor, the PMC can help in drafting a construction agreement between the customer and the contractor.

Project Scheduling

Creating and maintaining schedules is one of the primary strengths that a PMC brings to the table. As the number of participants in the project increase, it will be very difficult to manage the schedule. An experienced PMC can help collect drawings from the Architect, pass it on to all the other teams, help procure materials based on the requirements, engage the right teams to execute the work and do the quality check and make sure that the overall execution is completed on time.


Material Purchase

The purchase coordination for the whole project will be done by the PMC Team. This includes transportation, local purchases or any other site related expenses of the stakeholders. Book keeping is a major service by the PMC team that helps the construction progress smoothly.


Project Execution

A PMC can monitor the supervision of the site by managing the site engineers and project managers. Since the PMC team is independent of the construction team, they can provide an unbiased supervision and review of the work. This ensures higher quality of work.

Quality Check

The quality of the construction is fully achieved by verifying each stages with different check points and modes of quality check. At the end of each construction milestone, the PMC team will conduct a quality check of the completed work. The PMC team conducts the inspection by physically visiting the site or through photos and videos of the work, as applicable.

PMC team will highlight any lapse in quality and provide rectification suggestions. If there are any major lapses in quality, the PMC team will escalate the same to the Project team and the customer for further rectification action.


Bill approvals of the contractors are done as per the agreement. Ensuring that TDS and retention are properly captured is also an important service that can be offered.

Thus PMC offers a smooth, efficient and effective building construction experience. A process oriented PMC system ensures complete transparency for all the stakeholders involved.

Are you interested in Viya's PMC service for building construction? Do drop a note below and we'll get back to you with the details.